Animal Testing For Beauty Products

By Alondra Cotto Have you ever asked yourself, how many animals are killed each year in American laboratories? According to PETA, an activist group that fights to protect animals, more than 100 million animals die testing food, drugs, chemicals, cosmetics and medical products; some of the animals that suffer are mice, rats, rabbits, hamsters, monkeys,... Continue Reading →

The World is Not White

By Natalia Resendez James Arthur Baldwin was born in New York on August 2, 1924 and grew up in Harlem. He is most known for being a very vocal advocate for equality as well as a major voice in the American civil rights movement. He was an American novelist who wrote about the black experience... Continue Reading →

Vaccination: Choice or Responsibility?

By Brett Rinehart People of all walks of life share different views on a variety of topics and as a good rule of polite small talk certain subjects are considered taboo. They are usually either politics or religion. Included in politics is usually the matter of vaccination. Good people have differing opinions on the subject,... Continue Reading →

Racist Symbols Should Not Celebrate Heritage

By Julio Acosta Silverio “Why I Changed My Mind About Confederate Monuments” was a story written by a teacher named Kevin M. Levin who changed his perspective on the Confederate monuments. He changed his perspective because of a shooting that happen to churchgoers in Charleston, South Carolina. The shooter’s name was Dylann Roof, and he... Continue Reading →

Veteran Affairs Healthcare Benefits

By Nicholas Roy According to the 2014 Census Bureau, there are approximately 21.8 million veterans in the United States (US). All of these service members served their time and earned the title “United States Veteran.” This title is honorable and only carried by approximately 14% of documented people living in the United States. A veteran... Continue Reading →

All Play and No Pay

By Kimberly Allen Several writers create a link between the college sports industry to the ancient slavery era described in the History books. The idea is that the slaves worked endlessly and all they got in return was room and board with occasional meals while their masters gained enormous wealth. While in college sports, the... Continue Reading →

A Careless and Immodest Deed

By Kadian Brown Why are there envious and ignorant people in the world? Some are jealous of your house, your car, your children, your cat, and even your spouse. These people can be easily noticed or heard. They are showy and shameless. Their minds are so corrupted that if you even try to fight for your... Continue Reading →

Children as Consumers

By Nayomi Dasanayake Have you ever thought who could be an advertiser’s targeted audience? An advertiser’s dream? Would you be surprised if I told you they are kids? Strategy is important to be successful in advertising and generate revenue, so it is important for advertisers to know and understand their audience’s needs and wants. Marketers... Continue Reading →

Violent Video Games Should Not Be the Only Excuse

By Leslie Flippen, Jr. The tragic shooting events in Colorado and Connecticut have reignited the debate on the effects of the media. This time, the spotlight shines on a familiar and popular source of entertainment: video games, specifically violent ones. Politicians, psychologists, and parents all have clashed swords on the argument that violent video games... Continue Reading →

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